Dear all,
For the meeting of xxx project, here to propose a few times slots for your selection.(对于某项目的会议,建议几个时间段供你选择)
Please let us know which time work the best for you. Then we will send the team's invite.(请让我们知道哪个时间段对你来说最方便)
Dear all ,
Thank you for confirming the date for the xxx project pre launch meeting on Beijing May 11th 9am.(感谢你们确认北京时间5月11日上午九点作为会议时间)
Here to share the teams invite with you.(此封邮件分享会议邀请)
The meeting agenda is summarized as below.(会议纪要如下)
please feel free to share the invite with relevant colleagues in case they are missing in the loop.(请将邮件分享给相关同事以防他们不在抄送名单里)
Thanks and best regards,
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