
1. hot – cold (热 – 冷)

2. youth – age (青春 – 年龄)

3. feather – boulder (羽毛 – 巨石)

4. fast – slow (快 – 慢)

5. good – bad (好 – 坏)

6. big – small (大 – 小)

7. up – down (上 – 下)

8. right – left (右 – 左)

9. beginning – end(开始 – 结束)

10. hard – soft (硬 – 软)

11. profound – superficial (深刻 – 肤浅)

12. bright – dark (明亮 – 暗)

13. tidy – messy (整洁 – 凌乱)

14. sunrise – sunset (日出 – 日落)

15. wealthy – impoverished (富裕 – 贫困)

16. wide – narrow (宽 – 窄)

17. joyful – sorrowful (欢乐 – 悲伤)

18. wet – dry (湿 – 干)

19. harmony – conflict (和谐 – 冲突)

20. passion – resentment (激情 – 愤怒)

21. smile – weep (微笑 – 哭泣)

22. false – true (假 – 真)

23. easy – difficult (容易 – 困难)

24. quick – sluggish (迅速 – 缓慢)

25. near – far (近 – 远)

26. polished – coarse

27. challenging – easy (具有挑战性 – 容易)

28. relaxed – constricted (放松 – 紧缩)

29. united – distant (团结 – 距离)

30. high – low (高 – 低)

31. empty – full (空 – 满)

32. noisy – calm (喧闹 – 安静)

33. win – lose (赢 – 输)

34. pass – fail (通过 – 失败)

35. breathing – lifeless(呼吸 – 无生命)

36. start – finish (开始 – 结束)

37. entrance – exit (入口 – 出口)

In every journey, there is always an entrance and an exit. The entrance marks the beginning, the point where we step into the unknown and embark on a new adventure. It is a gateway that opens up possibilities and opportunities.

As we navigate through the twists and turns of life, we encounter various entrances. They can be physical, like the entrance to a building or a new city. They can also be metaphorical, like the entrance to a new job or a new relationship. Each entrance brings with it a sense of anticipation and excitement, as we eagerly step into the unknown.

But just as there are entrances, there are also exits. The exit marks the end, the point where we bid farewell to what was and move on to what will be. It is a gateway that leads us to new beginnings and fresh starts.

Sometimes, the exit is a welcomed relief, a chance to leave behind what no longer serves us and embrace something better. Other times, the exit is bittersweet, as we say goodbye to cherished memories and familiar faces. Regardless of the circumstances, the exit is a necessary part of the journey, a reminder that nothing lasts forever.

In the grand scheme of things, life is a series of entrances and exits. We enter this world when we are born, and we exit when our time here is done. Along the way, we encounter countless entrances and exits, each one shaping us and molding us into who we are.

So, as we navigate through life's entrances and exits, let us embrace the opportunities that come our way and bid farewell to what no longer serves us. Let us remember that every exit is a new beginning, and every entrance is a chance to start anew.

38. selected – overlooked

39. pardon – accuse (宽恕 – 控告)

40. tender – aggressive (温柔 – 侵略)

41. protagonist – antagonist (主角 – 对手)

42. internal – external (内部 – 外部)

Internal and external are two contrasting terms that describe the relationship between different aspects or elements of a system or organization.

Internal refers to the inside or inner workings of something. It pertains to the aspects, processes, or factors that are within the boundaries or control of a particular entity. For example, in a company, internal factors may include the employees, management, policies, and procedures.

On the other hand, external refers to the outside or outer aspects of a system or organization. It encompasses the factors, influences, or conditions that exist outside the control or boundaries of the entity. External factors may include the market conditions, competition, economic trends, and customer preferences.

Understanding the distinction between internal and external is crucial for effective decision-making and problem-solving. By analyzing both internal and external factors, organizations can identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which can inform strategic planning and decision-making processes.

In summary, internal and external are terms used to describe the relationship between the inside and outside aspects of a system or organization. While internal factors are within the control or boundaries of the entity, external factors exist outside of its control and can have a significant impact on its operations and success.

43. fairness – unfairness (公平 – 不公平)

44. knowledge – ignorance (知识 – 无知)

45. freedom – confinement

46. ancient – modern (古老 – 现代)

47. open – closed (开放 – 关闭)








50. fall – rise (下降 – 上升)

51. danger – safety (危险 – 安全)

52. learn – teach (学习 – 教)

53. beauty – ugliness (美丽 – 丑陋)

54. virtue – vice (virtue – bad habit)

Virtue and vice are two contrasting aspects of human behavior. Virtue refers to the moral excellence and goodness that individuals possess, while vice represents the bad habits and negative traits that people may exhibit.

Virtue is characterized by qualities such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and self-discipline. It is the embodiment of ethical principles and values that guide individuals to make right choices and act in a morally upright manner. Virtuous individuals are often admired and respected for their noble character and their ability to inspire others.

On the other hand, vice encompasses a range of negative behaviors and habits that are detrimental to one's well-being and the well-being of others. It includes traits such as dishonesty, greed, laziness, and selfishness. Engaging in vices can lead to harmful consequences, both for oneself and for society as a whole.

While virtue is something to be cultivated and nurtured, vice is something that needs to be recognized and overcome. It is important for individuals to be aware of their own vices and strive to replace them with virtuous qualities. This requires self-reflection, self-discipline, and a commitment to personal growth.

In conclusion, virtue and vice are two opposing forces that shape human behavior. Virtue represents the positive qualities that individuals should strive for, while vice represents the negative habits that should be overcome. By cultivating virtue and eliminating vice, individuals can lead more fulfilling and morally upright lives.

55. strength – weakness (强项 – 弱点)

Every individual possesses a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. While weaknesses may hinder progress and pose challenges, it is important to focus on our strengths and leverage them to overcome obstacles.

Identifying our strengths allows us to tap into our full potential and excel in various aspects of life. These strengths can be skills, talents, or personal qualities that come naturally to us. By recognizing and nurturing our strengths, we can build confidence and achieve success in our endeavors.

On the other hand, weaknesses are areas where we may struggle or lack proficiency. It is crucial to acknowledge these weaknesses and work towards improving them. By addressing our weaknesses, we can turn them into opportunities for growth and development. Seeking support, learning new skills, or seeking feedback from others can help us overcome our weaknesses and become more well-rounded individuals.

It is important to remember that nobody is perfect, and we all have areas where we can improve. Embracing our strengths and weaknesses allows us to have a balanced perspective and approach challenges with resilience. By focusing on our strengths and actively working on our weaknesses, we can continue to grow and thrive in all aspects of life.

56. y-axis – x-axis (y轴 – x轴)

57. lemon – lavender (柠檬 – 薰衣草)

58. straight – zigzag (直线 – 之字形)

59. present – absent (出席 – 缺席)

60. forward – backward (前进 – 后退)

61. affordable – costly (经济实惠 – 昂贵)

62. timid – courageous (胆小 – 勇敢)

63. increase – decrease (增加 – 减少)

64. entrance – exit (入口 – 出口)

65. counterfeit – authentic (伪造 – 真实)

Global – Local: Bridging the Gap

In today's interconnected world, the concept of global and local has become increasingly important. Globalization has brought people and cultures from different corners of the world closer together, creating a global community. However, it is equally important to recognize and appreciate the significance of local communities and their unique characteristics.

Globalization has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits. It has facilitated the exchange of ideas, goods, and services on a global scale, leading to economic growth and cultural diversity. It has also allowed for the sharing of knowledge and expertise, enabling countries to learn from each other and address global challenges collectively.

However, amidst the rapid pace of globalization, it is crucial not to overlook the importance of local communities. Local communities are the building blocks of society, where individuals live, work, and interact with one another. They are the places where traditions, customs, and values are preserved and passed down through generations.

While globalization has connected people across borders, it has also led to the homogenization of cultures and the loss of local traditions. This has resulted in a sense of disconnection and alienation for many individuals. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between the global and the local, ensuring that local communities are not overshadowed or marginalized.

Bridging the gap between the global and the local requires a multi-faceted approach. It involves promoting cultural diversity and preserving local traditions while embracing the benefits of globalization. Governments, organizations, and individuals must work together to create an inclusive and sustainable future that respects both the global and the local.

By recognizing the importance of local communities and empowering them, we can create a world where the global and the local coexist harmoniously. This will not only foster a sense of belonging and identity but also ensure that the benefits of globalization are shared by all. Let us strive to bridge the gap between the global and the local, creating a world that celebrates diversity and promotes unity.

67. parallel – perpendicular (平行 – 垂直)

68. guilty – innocent (有罪 – 无辜)

初级 – 高级





70. retain – bestow

71. early – late (早 – 晚)

72. wide – narrow (宽 – 窄)

73. outdated – contemporary

74. courteous – discourteous (有礼貌 – 无礼貌)

75. fast – sluggish (快 – 缓慢)

76. rugged – tender (崎岖 – 温柔)

77. powerful – feeble (强大 – 虚弱)

78. translucent – opaque (半透明 – 不透明)

79. ordinary – extraordinary (普通 – 非凡)

80. perpendicular – parallel (垂直 – 平行)

错误 – 正确







82. youth – age (青春 – 年龄)

83. pinnacle – abyss (顶峰 – 深渊)

84. optimistic – pessimistic (乐观 – 悲观)

85. odd – even (奇数 – 偶数)

86. mortal – immortal (人间 – 永恒)

In the realm of existence, there exists a stark contrast between mortals and immortals. Mortals, as their name suggests, are bound by the limitations of time and eventually meet their end. They are born into this world, experience the joys and sorrows of life, and ultimately return to the earth from which they came.

On the other hand, immortals possess a timeless nature that transcends the boundaries of mortality. They are not subject to the ravages of time and live eternally, untouched by the passage of years. Immortals are often depicted as beings of great wisdom and power, their existence shrouded in mystery and awe.

While mortals strive to make the most of their limited time on Earth, immortals observe the ebb and flow of generations, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations. They possess a profound understanding of the world, having witnessed countless cycles of life and death.

Yet, despite their differences, mortals and immortals share a common thread – the desire for purpose and meaning. Mortals seek to leave a lasting impact on the world, to be remembered for their deeds and contributions. Immortals, on the other hand, yearn for connection and understanding, seeking to unravel the mysteries of existence.

In the grand tapestry of life, mortals and immortals coexist, each bringing their unique perspectives and experiences. Mortals remind immortals of the fleeting beauty and fragility of life, while immortals offer mortals a glimpse into the vastness of eternity.

In the end, whether mortal or immortal, it is the journey that matters. It is the choices we make, the relationships we forge, and the lessons we learn that define our existence. Mortals may be bound by time, but they have the power to leave a lasting legacy. Immortals may be eternal, but they too seek purpose and fulfillment.

So let us embrace our mortality, cherishing each moment and making the most of our time. And let us also ponder the mysteries of eternity, seeking wisdom and understanding in the face of the infinite. For in the balance between mortal and immortal lies the essence of what it means to be human.

87. ally – foe (盟友 – 敌人)

外部 – 内部






89. send – receive (发送 – 接收)

90. superficial – profound (表面 – 深刻)

91. divide – unite (分裂 – 联合)

In a world where division seems to be the norm, it is crucial for us to find ways to unite. The power of unity can overcome any obstacle and bring about positive change. However, before we can unite, we must first acknowledge and address the factors that divide us.

It is important to recognize that division can stem from various sources, such as differences in beliefs, values, or interests. These differences can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and ultimately, division. To bridge these divides, we must foster open dialogue, empathy, and understanding.

By actively listening to one another and seeking common ground, we can begin to heal the wounds of division. It is through this process that we can find ways to unite and work towards a shared vision. Together, we can build a society that celebrates diversity, embraces inclusivity, and values collaboration.

In order to achieve unity, we must also address systemic issues that perpetuate division. This requires us to challenge discriminatory practices, promote equality, and create opportunities for all. By dismantling barriers and creating a level playing field, we can ensure that everyone has a voice and a stake in our collective future.

Ultimately, the path to unity requires effort, understanding, and a commitment to change. It is not an easy journey, but the rewards are immeasurable. By coming together, we can create a world where division is replaced by unity, and where our differences are celebrated as strengths. Let us strive for unity, for it is through unity that we can truly thrive.

92. success – failure (成功 – 失败)

93. expand – contract (扩大 – 收缩)

94. yes – no (是 – 否)

95. pinnacle – abyss (顶峰 – 深渊)

96. purposeless – intentional (无目的 – 有意图)

97. anonymous – identified (匿名 – 辨识)

98. boring – exciting (无聊 – 刺激)

99. fantasy – reality (幻想 – 现实)





100. diligent – idle (勤奋 – 懒散)




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