


1. concern n./v. 关注, 关心, 关怀

During my period of illness, my mother consistently provided me with excellent care and support.

cautious adj. 谨慎的, 慎重的

carefully adv. 仔细地

carefulness n. 细心

careless adj. 不细心的, 不在乎的

随便的(adj. casual)可以表示某人对事物不太在意或不太关心,而粗心的(adj. careless)则更强调某人在处理事物时缺乏细心和注意力。例如,一个粗心的人可能会经常犯错误,因为他们没有仔细检查或思考。相比之下,一个随便的人可能会对事物持更加轻松和不拘束的态度,但并不一定会犯错误。

You completed your homework without paying much attention.

carelessness n. 粗心大意

2. celebrate v. 庆祝

celebration n. 庆祝活动, 庆典

3. centre n. 中心,中央

central adj. 中心的,中央的

The central square of the city is always bustling with activity. People gather there to socialize, shop, and enjoy various events. The central location makes it easily accessible to everyone in the city.

In the central part of the country, there is a vast expanse of farmland. This region is known for its fertile soil and agricultural productivity. Farmers in the central region work hard to provide food for the entire country.

The central theme of the novel revolves around love and betrayal. The main characters are caught in a web of emotions as they navigate through complex relationships. The central plot twist leaves readers shocked and eager to find out what happens next.

The central government plays a crucial role in making important decisions for the entire nation. It is responsible for implementing policies and laws that affect the lives of millions of people. The central authority ensures that the country functions smoothly and efficiently.

In the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord are the main components. They control and coordinate all bodily functions, including movement, sensation, and cognition. The central nervous system is essential for our survival and overall well-being.

The central bank is responsible for managing a country's money supply and interest rates. It plays a vital role in maintaining economic stability and controlling inflation. The central bank also acts as a lender of last resort to commercial banks during financial crises.

Overall, the central aspect of any system or organization is crucial for its proper functioning and success. It serves as a focal point and coordinates various activities to achieve desired outcomes.

The bookstore is located across from the central park.

4. challenge v. 接受……的挑战

demanding adj. 要求高的

challenging adj. 具有挑战性的

The new project I was assigned to is very challenging. It requires a lot of problem-solving skills and creativity. I have to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. It's not going to be easy, but I'm excited to take on the challenge.

The new project I was assigned to is very demanding. It requires a high level of expertise and attention to detail. I have to be constantly on my toes and make sure everything is done correctly. It's going to be a lot of hard work, but I'm up for the challenge.

This is a challenging problem.

5. child n. 儿童,孩子

children(复数) n. 孩子们

Kids enjoy watching animated shows.

childhood n. 童年, 幼年时代

Childhood is a precious time in everyone's life. It is a period of innocence, curiosity, and exploration. During childhood, we experience the world with wide-eyed wonder and a sense of awe. It is a time of carefree play, laughter, and imagination.

Childhood memories are often filled with joyous moments spent with family and friends. We remember the simple pleasures of running through fields, playing hide-and-seek, and building sandcastles on the beach. These memories shape who we are and hold a special place in our hearts.

Childhood is also a time of growth and learning. It is when we develop our basic skills, such as walking, talking, and reading. We discover our interests and talents, whether it be in art, music, or sports. It is a time of endless possibilities and dreams.

However, childhood is not without its challenges. It is a time of vulnerability and dependence on others. We rely on our parents and caregivers for love, support, and guidance. It is during this time that we learn important values, such as kindness, honesty, and resilience.

As we grow older, childhood becomes a distant memory. But its impact on our lives is everlasting. The lessons we learn, the friendships we make, and the experiences we have during childhood shape the adults we become. It is a time that should be cherished and celebrated, for it is the foundation of our lives.

I had a childhood filled with unforgettable memories.

6. colour n. 颜色, 色彩

colourful adj. 色彩丰富的

7. interact v. 互动, 交流, 沟通

communication n. 沟通, 交流, 通信

Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and feelings between individuals or groups. It plays a crucial role in our daily lives, allowing us to connect with others, share thoughts and emotions, and build relationships.

There are various forms of communication, including verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual. Verbal communication involves the use of spoken words and language to convey messages. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, relies on gestures, facial expressions, and body language to express thoughts and feelings. Written communication involves the use of written words, such as emails, letters, or text messages, to communicate. Visual communication utilizes images, graphs, and charts to convey information.

Effective communication requires not only the ability to express oneself clearly but also the skill to listen actively and understand others. It involves being attentive, empathetic, and respectful towards others' perspectives and feelings. Good communication skills are essential in both personal and professional relationships, as they help to foster understanding, resolve conflicts, and build trust.

In today's digital age, communication has become even more convenient and accessible. With the advancement of technology, we can now communicate with people from all over the world in real-time through various platforms, such as social media, video calls, and instant messaging. This has greatly expanded our opportunities for global communication and collaboration.

However, despite the ease of communication, it is important to remember that effective communication goes beyond just exchanging words. It requires active listening, empathy, and understanding. It is about connecting with others on a deeper level and building meaningful relationships. So, let's strive to improve our communication skills and create a world where everyone feels heard and understood.

8. compete vi. 竞争, 对抗, 比赛

Competition is a natural part of human nature. Whether it is in sports, academics, or business, people are constantly striving to outperform others and come out on top. Competing allows individuals to push themselves to their limits, discover their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately grow and improve.

In sports, athletes compete against each other to prove their skills and abilities. They train tirelessly, honing their techniques and strategies, all with the goal of winning. The thrill of competition drives them to push harder, faster, and stronger, constantly seeking to surpass their rivals.

Academic competitions are another avenue for individuals to showcase their knowledge and intellect. Students participate in spelling bees, math competitions, and science fairs, among others, to demonstrate their expertise in their respective fields. These competitions not only foster healthy competition but also encourage students to expand their knowledge and explore new areas of interest.

In the business world, companies compete against each other for market share and customer loyalty. They strive to offer better products, services, and customer experiences than their competitors. This constant competition drives innovation and pushes companies to continuously improve and evolve.

While competition can be intense and sometimes even cutthroat, it is ultimately a driving force for progress and growth. It encourages individuals and organizations to constantly strive for excellence and push the boundaries of what is possible. So, embrace competition, for it is through competition that we truly discover our potential and achieve greatness.

rival n. 对手, 竞争者

competition n. 竞争, 比赛

The competition among athletes on the sports field is intense.

9. self-assured adj. 自信的,有信心的 self-assurance n.自信;信心

Self-assured is an adjective that describes someone who is confident and has a strong belief in their abilities. It is synonymous with confident and can be used interchangeably. Self-assurance, on the other hand, refers to the state or quality of being self-assured. It is the belief in oneself and the ability to trust in one's own judgment and decisions.

assuredly adv. 确信地, 有信心地

He possesses sufficient self-assurance to tackle the college entrance exam.

He possesses sufficient self-assurance to tackle the college entrance examination.

confidence n. 信任, 信心

10. consider v. 考虑, 细想

thoughtful adj. 体贴的. 周到的

Considerate is an adjective that describes someone who is thoughtful and takes the feelings and needs of others into consideration. A considerate person is kind and considerate towards others, always thinking about how their actions will affect others. They are attentive and understanding, and they go out of their way to make sure that others are comfortable and happy. Being considerate means being thoughtful and considerate in all aspects of life, whether it's in relationships, at work, or in everyday interactions with others.

reflection n. 反思, 思考

empathy n. 同理心, 体谅

When making important decisions, it is crucial to take time for reflection and consider all the possible outcomes. This allows for a deeper understanding of the situation and helps in making informed choices.

In relationships, empathy plays a vital role in understanding and connecting with others. It involves putting oneself in someone else's shoes and truly comprehending their emotions and experiences. This empathy allows for better communication and a more harmonious connection between individuals.

When faced with any issue, it is important for us to give it careful consideration.

11. rectify v. 纠正,修正adj. 正确的,适当的

accurately adv. 准确地,精确地

correction n. 改正,修正

inaccurate adj. 不准确的,不精确的

12. crowd n. 群众v. 拥挤,挤压




crowded adj. 拥挤的

Amidst the bustling crowd, the young boy's eyes lit up as he spotted his mother.

13. civilization n,. 文明,文化,社会进步

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It encompasses the knowledge, skills, and practices that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' identities and influencing their behaviors and attitudes.

Civilization, on the other hand, refers to the overall advancement and progress of a society. It encompasses not only the cultural aspects but also the social, economic, and technological developments. Civilization is often associated with the establishment of complex social structures, the development of written language, the advancement of science and technology, and the creation of art and literature.

While culture and civilization are closely related, they are not interchangeable terms. Culture is the foundation upon which civilization is built. It is the collective knowledge and values that shape a society's way of life. Civilization, on the other hand, is the result of the progress and development that occurs within a culture.

In summary, culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts of a group or society, while civilization encompasses the overall advancement and progress of a society, including its cultural, social, economic, and technological developments.

cultural adj. 文化的,文明的

Cultural refers to anything related to culture or civilization. It encompasses the customs, traditions, beliefs, and values of a particular group of people. Cultural activities and events often celebrate and showcase the unique aspects of a society's heritage and artistic expressions. Cultural diversity is an important aspect of human society, as it promotes understanding, tolerance, and appreciation for different ways of life. Cultural exchange and interaction can lead to the enrichment and evolution of societies, as they learn from one another's experiences and perspectives.

culturally adv. 在文化方面,文明地

14. curious adj. 好奇的

inquisitively adv. 好奇地,探究地

inquisitiveness n. 好奇心,求知欲

Children's natural curiosity drives them to venture into the unknown and discover the wonders of the outside world.

15. chemist n. 化学家

When Xiaoming grows up, he aspires to become a chemist.

chemical adj. 化学的

Chemical solutions are required to address this issue.

chemistry n. 化学

The subject of chemistry is truly fascinating.

16. confident adj 自信的,有把握的

definitely adv. 绝对地, 确定地

17. choose v. 选择

I choose to travel to Qinghai.

choice n. 选择

After careful consideration, he ultimately came to the correct decision.

18. conclude v. 推断, 总结

conclusion n. 结论,总结

After conducting numerous experiments, he ultimately arrived at the accurate conclusion.

conclusive adj. 决定性的

19. accomplish v. 实现,完成 adj. 完全的,完整的




thoroughly adv. 彻底地,全面地

20. connect v. 联系,连接

After completing high school, students often lose touch with each other.

connection n. 联系,连接

21. comfort v. 安慰

Whenever I face disappointment in my exams, my mother is always there to offer me solace.

cozy adj. 温馨的,舒适的

The cozy armchair in the corner of the room was perfect for curling up with a good book.

comfortably adv. 安逸地,舒适地

comfortably adv. 舒适地,安逸地

comfortably adv. 舒适地,舒服地

comfortably adv. 舒适地,安逸地

comfortably adv. 舒适地,舒服地

uneasy adj. 不安的

uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的

Uncomfortable is an adjective that describes a physical or mental state of discomfort. It can refer to a physical sensation, such as feeling hot or having a sore throat, or it can describe a mental state, such as feeling anxious or uneasy. When something is uncomfortable, it causes discomfort or unease.

For example, sitting on a hard chair for a long time can be uncomfortable because it causes physical discomfort. Similarly, being in a social situation where you don't know anyone can be uncomfortable because it causes mental unease.

Overall, the word "uncomfortable" is used to describe situations or feelings that are not pleasant or cause discomfort. It is important to address and alleviate discomfort in order to promote well-being and improve one's overall quality of life.

The atmosphere in this place is quite unpleasant.




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