
一 词汇

1. revoke [r??vo?k] vt. 撤销,废除

2 cancer [?k?ns?(r)] n. a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body

3位应聘者 [?k?nd?d?t] n. 申请求职者

4 candle [?k?ndl] n. a cylindrical object made of wax or similar material, with a wick in the center that can be lit to produce light

5 candy [?k?ndi] n. 糖果

6 capital [?k?p?tl] n. 资本;重要性

Capital can refer to both a city that serves as the seat of government for a country or region, as well as the financial resources or assets that a person or organization possesses. The word capital is derived from the Latin word "caput," meaning "head," which reflects its importance and significance.

In the context of a city, a capital is typically the political and administrative center of a country or region. It is where the government institutions, such as the parliament, president's office, and ministries, are located. Capitals often have historical and cultural significance, and they may be home to important landmarks, museums, and cultural institutions.

On the other hand, capital can also refer to the financial resources or assets that individuals, businesses, or governments possess. In this sense, capital represents the wealth and resources that can be used to generate income or invest in various ventures. It includes money, property, equipment, and other tangible or intangible assets.

Capital is crucial for economic growth and development. It enables businesses to invest in new technologies, expand operations, and create jobs. It also allows governments to fund public infrastructure projects, provide social services, and stimulate economic activity.

In summary, capital can refer to both a city that serves as a seat of government and the financial resources or assets that individuals, businesses, or governments possess. Whether it is a political capital or financial capital, both are essential for the functioning and progress of a country or organization.

7 leader [?li?d?r] n. 领导者,指挥官

8 care [k??] vt.& vi. 关心;担心;在乎

Care is a verb that expresses concern or worry about something or someone. It can also mean to attach importance to or be interested in something. When we care about someone or something, we show empathy and consideration for their well-being. It is important to care for our loved ones and to care about the things that matter to us.

9 cautious [?k????s] adj. 谨慎的,小心的

10 inattentive [?n??t?nt?v] adj. 不注意的

11 animation [??n??me???n] n. 动画片

12现金 [k??] n. 现金; vt. 付款现金;兑现

13 heads of cattle [?k?tl] n. (plural) 牛的数量

14 cause [k?:z] n. 原因;动机; vt. 寻致

14原因 [k?:z] n. 导致的原因;动机; vt. 引起


– 缺乏沟通是这次冲突的14原因之一。
– 他的贪婪导致了他的失败。
– 这个政策的实施将引起一系列的变化。


15 central [?sentr?l] adj. 中央的,中心的

15 central refers to something that is located in the center or at the core of a certain area or system. It indicates that the object or place holds a significant position and plays a crucial role in its surroundings.

The term "16th century" refers to a period of one hundred years in history.

17 chairman [?t?e?m?n] n.主席

A chairman is a person who holds the position of leadership in a committee, board, or organization. They are responsible for presiding over meetings, making decisions, and representing the group to the public. The chairman's role is to ensure that the organization operates effectively and efficiently, and to guide its members towards achieving their goals. They are typically elected or appointed by the members of the organization and serve as the highest-ranking official. The chairman's duties may vary depending on the specific organization, but they generally involve setting agendas, facilitating discussions, and making final decisions.

18机会 [t?ɑ:ns] n. 机会,机遇




19 change [t?e?nd?] vt. 改变; n. 变化

19 change [t?e?nd?] vt. 改变; n. 变化

20 channel [?t??nl] n. refers to a specific number of channels available for broadcasting or communication purposes.

21 affordable [??f??rd?b?l] adj. 经济实惠的,价格合理的

22 cheer [t?i?] vt. 欢呼;使高兴

22 cheer是一个动词,表示通过欢呼或使某人高兴来表达喜悦或支持。当我们为某人或某事欢呼时,我们可以说我们给他们22 cheer。这个动词可以用于各种场合,例如体育比赛、演唱会或庆祝活动。通过欢呼,我们可以传达我们的喜悦和支持,让人们感到鼓舞和激励。所以,无论是在现实生活中还是在虚拟世界中,22 cheer都是一种表达喜悦和支持的有力方式。

23 cheese [t?i:z] n. 奶酪

24 chickens [?t??k?nz] n. 鸡;鸡子

There are 24 chickens in the farm. They are clucking and pecking at the ground, searching for food. These chickens are a mix of different breeds, with feathers ranging from white to brown. They roam freely in the spacious coop, enjoying the fresh air and sunlight. The farmer takes good care of them, providing them with nutritious feed and clean water. These chickens will eventually grow into healthy adults and lay eggs, which will be collected and sold.

25 immature [?m??tj?r] adj. 不成熟的;未发展完全的

26 childlike [?t?a?ldla?k] adj. 孩子般天真无邪的

27 choose [t?u:z] vt. 盲选

28 chop [t??p] vt.& vi. 切割,剁碎,切细


29 chopsticks [?t??pst?ks] n. 筷子;筷子





30 cigarette(te) [?siɡ??ret] n. 纸烟,香烟

30 cigarette(te) [?siɡ??ret] is a term used to refer to a pack of 30 individual cigarettes. Cigarettes are thin cylindrical rolls of finely cut tobacco leaves that are wrapped in a paper tube. They are commonly used for smoking and are a popular form of tobacco consumption worldwide.

31 iconic [a??k?n?k] adj. 具有代表性的; 著名的名词

32 classical [?kl?s?kl] adj. 古典的


33 client [?kla??nt] n. 客户;委托人

A client, also known as a customer or a patron, refers to an individual or organization that seeks the services or products offered by a business or professional. In the context of business, a client is someone who purchases goods or services from a company. They are the ones who provide the revenue and support the growth of the business.

In the legal field, a client is the person or party who is represented by a lawyer or law firm. The client is the one who seeks legal advice or assistance and is the main focus of the lawyer's work.

In summary, a client is an important entity in various industries, as they are the ones who utilize the services or products provided by businesses or professionals. They play a crucial role in the success and sustainability of these entities.

34 clinic [?kl?n?k] n. 诊所,门诊部

A clinic, also known as a medical clinic or outpatient department, is a healthcare facility where patients can receive medical treatment and consultation without being admitted to a hospital. Clinics are typically smaller in size compared to hospitals and are often located in local communities for easy access.

Clinics offer a wide range of medical services, including general check-ups, vaccinations, minor surgeries, and specialized treatments for various health conditions. They are staffed by healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and medical assistants who provide personalized care to patients.

In addition to providing medical care, clinics also play a crucial role in preventive healthcare. They offer health education programs, screenings, and counseling to promote healthy lifestyles and early detection of diseases. Clinics are an essential part of the healthcare system, providing accessible and affordable healthcare services to individuals and families.

Overall, clinics serve as a vital resource for individuals seeking medical care outside of a hospital setting. They provide a convenient and cost-effective option for patients to receive necessary healthcare services, ensuring that everyone has access to quality medical care.

35 clinical [?kl?n?kl] adj. 临床的;诊所里




36 clothing [?kl?uei?] n. garments; attire

Clothing refers to the garments or attire that people wear. It includes a wide range of items such as shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, jackets, and shoes. Clothing serves both functional and aesthetic purposes, providing protection and expressing personal style. It plays a significant role in human culture and society, reflecting social norms, traditions, and individual identity.

37线索 [klu:] 是指在解决问题或推理推断时提供的重要信息。线索可以是物理的,如一个物体的位置或痕迹,也可以是非物理的,如一个人的言行举止或心理状态。线索通常被用来预示或暗示某个事件或情况的发生。在破解谜题、犯罪调查或解决难题时,线索是非常重要的,它们可以帮助我们找到正确的答案或解决方案。因此,对于那些喜欢解谜或喜欢推理的人来说,线索是不可或缺的工具。无论是在小说、电影、游戏还是现实生活中,线索都扮演着重要的角色,它们引导我们走向真相的方向。所以,当我们遇到线索时,我们应该仔细观察、分析和推理,以便找到隐藏在其中的信息。

38号教练 [k?ut?] n. 训练; vt.& vi. 角练


39 coast [k?ust] n. 海岸

40 collect [k??lekt] vt. 收集,收藏

Collecting is a common activity that involves gathering and accumulating various items or information. People collect for various reasons, such as personal interest, nostalgia, or investment purposes.

One popular type of collecting is stamp collecting. Stamp collectors, also known as philatelists, seek out and acquire postage stamps from different countries and time periods. They carefully organize and display their collections, often valuing rare or unique stamps.

Another popular collecting hobby is coin collecting. Numismatists, or coin collectors, search for and acquire coins from different countries and historical periods. They study the history and significance of each coin, and some even specialize in specific types or eras.

Collecting can also extend to other items, such as sports memorabilia, antique furniture, or even seashells. Some collectors focus on a specific theme or category, while others have more eclectic tastes.

In the digital age, collecting has taken on a new form with the rise of digital collections. People now collect digital items such as digital art, virtual currencies, or even virtual pets. These digital collections can be stored and displayed online, allowing for easy sharing and trading among collectors.

Regardless of the type of collection, collecting is a hobby that brings joy and satisfaction to many people. It allows individuals to explore their interests, learn about history and culture, and connect with others who share their passion. So, whether it's stamps, coins, or digital items, collecting continues to be a beloved pastime for many.

41 collection [k??lek?n] n. a gathering or accumulation of items or objects

A collection refers to the act of gathering or accumulating items or objects. It involves the process of bringing together various things of similar nature or interest. The purpose of a collection can vary, ranging from personal hobbies to professional pursuits. It often involves careful selection, organization, and preservation of the items in order to create a meaningful and cohesive whole. Collections can include a wide range of things, such as stamps, coins, artwork, books, or even digital files. The value of a collection can be both sentimental and monetary, as it represents the time, effort, and passion invested by the collector.

42 安慰 [?k?mf?t] n. 舒适; vt. 安抚

43 cozy [?ko?zi] adj. 温馨舒适的

44 ordinary [???rd?neri] adj. 平常的;普通的

45 company [?k?mp?ni] n. an organization or business entity that engages in commercial activities

46 condition [k?n?d??n] n. 状况,状态

46 condition [k?n?d??n] 是一个名词,用来描述某物或某人的状况或状态。它可以指某个特定的情况或状态,也可以指某个人或物体的整体状况。这个词通常用于描述健康、环境、设备等方面的状况。


总之,46 condition [k?n?d??n] 是一个用来描述状况或状态的词,可以用于各种不同的情境中。

47 引导 [ k?n?d?kt] vt.& vi. 引导

48 连接 [k??nekt] vt. 联结,连接

48 连接 [k??nekt] 是一个动词,表示将两个或多个事物或部分联结在一起。连接可以是物理的,如连接电线或管道,也可以是抽象的,如连接思想或概念。




49 contain [k?n?te?n] vt. 包含,容纳

"contain" is a verb that means to hold or include something within a larger entity. It can also mean to have or possess a certain quality or characteristic.


二 语法

时态: 一般将来时:


2. 时间状语:明天,下一天(周,月,年…),很快,几分钟后,到…时候,后天等等。

3.基本结构:will + do

will/shall + do.

4. 否定形式:was/were + not; won't

4.1 否定形式:was/were + not

在英语中,我们可以使用否定形式来表达否定的意思。一种常见的方式是使用was/were + not的结构。例如,原句"I was happy"可以改写为否定形式"I was not happy",意思是我不开心。

4.2 否定形式:won't

另一种常见的否定形式是使用won't,它是will not的缩写形式。例如,原句"I will go to the party"可以改写为否定形式"I won't go to the party",意思是我不会去参加派对。

总之,通过使用was/were + not或won't的否定形式,我们可以表达出否定的意思。


6 例如:

the near future.


Tomorrow, there is a scheduled meeting that we need to attend.


1. There will be a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. will be going to B. will going to be

A. will be going to B. will going to be

A. is going to be B. is going to be

C. is going to be D. will become

2. Charlie will be arriving here next month.

A. isn’t working

B. doesn’t working

C. isn’t going to working

D. won’t work

3. He has been extremely busy this week, but he will be free next.


A. will be; is B. is; is

C. will be; will be

D. is; will be



4. There will be a dolphin show at the zoo tomorrow.


A. was B. is going to have

C. will have D. is going to be

5. – Are you available tomorrow?

– No. I won't be available the day after tomorrow.

A. Are; going to; will

B. Are; going to be; will

C. Are; going to; will be

D. Are; going to be; will be

6. On my upcoming birthday, my mother will give me a wonderful gift.

A. will gives B. will give

C. gives D. give

7. —Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? —No, thank you.

A. No, you will not. B. No, you are not.

C. I would prefer if you didn't. D. I would prefer if you didn't.

– Have you seen the morning paper?

– I will do it for you immediately.

A. get B. am getting

C. to get D. will get

Are you going to attend a concert next Saturday?

A. There will be a party at my house tomorrow night.
B. Will there be a party at my house tomorrow night?

C. There can be D. There are

10. If they come, we will have a meeting.

A. have B. will have

C. had D. would have





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