
Exploit xinchi外语




v. 利用,充分发挥;开发,拓展;剥削,压榨(某人或某物);运用(某人或某物)谋取利益

n. 勇敢行为,壮举;大胆表演,非凡技艺

[ 复数 exploits 第三人称单数 exploits 现在分词 exploiting 过去式 exploited 过去分词 exploited ]



tap into markets; explore new markets; penetrate markets

HR Exploitation 人力资源开发

The exploitation of HR refers to the strategic utilization and development of human resources within an organization. It involves maximizing the potential of employees and creating an environment that fosters their growth and productivity.

In today's competitive business landscape, organizations recognize the importance of effectively managing their human capital. HR exploitation goes beyond traditional HR practices of recruitment, training, and performance management. It involves aligning HR strategies with the overall business objectives and leveraging the skills and talents of employees to drive organizational success.

One aspect of HR exploitation is talent management. This involves identifying high-potential employees and providing them with opportunities for growth and advancement. By investing in their development, organizations can retain top talent and ensure a pipeline of future leaders.

Another aspect is employee engagement. HR exploitation focuses on creating a positive work culture and fostering a sense of belonging and purpose among employees. This can be achieved through initiatives such as employee recognition programs, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for career development.

Furthermore, HR exploitation includes the use of technology to streamline HR processes and enhance efficiency. This can involve implementing HR software systems for recruitment, performance management, and employee self-service. By automating administrative tasks, HR professionals can focus on more strategic initiatives.

Overall, HR exploitation is about recognizing the value of human capital and harnessing its potential to drive organizational success. It involves creating an environment where employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to contribute their best. By investing in HR exploitation, organizations can gain a competitive edge and achieve sustainable growth.

military achievement 军事上的成就 ; 军事功绩 ; 在战斗中取得的成就

Seize every opportunity to make progress 抓住每一个机会取得进展

exploit an advantage 钻空子

Specialty development is an area that offers great potential for growth and success. With the right approach and strategy, one can truly exploit the opportunities that this field presents.

To begin with, it is essential to identify a niche within the specialty market that has high demand and limited competition. By focusing on a specific area, such as software development or digital marketing, one can position themselves as an expert and attract clients who are in need of specialized services.

Once the niche is identified, it is important to invest in continuous learning and skill development. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies will not only enhance your expertise but also give you a competitive edge. This can be achieved through attending workshops, taking online courses, or even collaborating with industry professionals.

Networking is another crucial aspect of exploiting specialty development. Building relationships with potential clients, industry leaders, and fellow specialists can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Attending conferences, joining professional organizations, and actively participating in online communities are effective ways to expand your network.

In addition, marketing plays a vital role in exploiting specialty development. Creating a strong online presence through a professional website, social media platforms, and content marketing can help showcase your expertise and attract potential clients. Utilizing targeted advertising and search engine optimization techniques can also increase your visibility and reach.

Lastly, providing exceptional customer service and delivering high-quality work are key factors in exploiting specialty development. Satisfied clients not only become repeat customers but also refer others to your services, helping to expand your client base.

In conclusion, by identifying a niche, continuously learning and developing skills, networking, marketing effectively, and delivering exceptional work, one can truly exploit the opportunities that specialty development offers. With dedication and perseverance, success in this field is within reach.

Exploit Released 漏洞发布

Zero-day Exploit,也被称为零日漏洞,是指在软件或系统中存在的未被公开或修复的安全漏洞。这些漏洞通常是黑客或攻击者利用的入口,因为软件开发者还没有意识到或修复这些漏洞。



vulnerability detection code 漏洞检测代码 ; vulnerability exploitation code 漏洞利用代码 ; vulnerability intrusion code 漏洞入侵代码


CET4 is a widely recognized English proficiency test in China. It is designed to assess the English language skills of non-native speakers. Many students and professionals aim to exploit the benefits of passing the CET4 exam.

By exploiting the resources available, such as study materials, practice tests, and language learning apps, test-takers can enhance their chances of success. They can also exploit the expertise of English teachers and language exchange partners to improve their language skills.

Once the exam is passed, individuals can reap the benefits of their hard work and dedication. They can exploit the CET4 certificate to enhance their academic and career prospects. Employers often value candidates who have successfully exploited the opportunities provided by the CET4 exam.

However, it is important to note that the CET4 exam should not be exploited in unethical ways. Cheating or using unfair means to pass the exam undermines the purpose of the test and devalues the certificate. It is essential to approach the exam with integrity and use the resources available in a responsible and ethical manner.

In conclusion, the CET4 exam offers opportunities for individuals to exploit their English language skills and improve their prospects. By utilizing the available resources and approaching the exam with integrity, test-takers can make the most of the benefits provided by the CET4 exam.


1. V-T If you accuse someone of taking advantage of you, you believe that they are treating you unjustly by utilizing your efforts or concepts and offering you minimal compensation in return. Exploitation; Exploiting.

Critics argue that he took advantage of black musicians for his own benefit.


2. utilization N-UNCOUNT 使用; 利用

To safeguard the welfare of the employees and prevent any form of exploitation, it is essential to allocate additional funds for supplementary payments.


3. V-T If you say that someone is taking advantage of 例:I think we're being very short-sighted in not taking advantage of our own coal.


7. resource utilization N-UNCOUNT (对资源、原材料的) 利用

Explanation: The term "exploitation" refers to the act of using resources or raw materials for personal gain or profit. However, the word "exploitation" often carries a negative connotation, implying that the resources are being used in a harmful or unfair manner. To convey a more neutral or positive tone, the phrase "resource utilization" can be used instead. This term still refers to the act of using resources or raw materials, but without the negative implications associated with "exploitation".

例:…the planned

maximization of its untapped oil and natural gas resources.


8. N-COUNT If you talk about someone's heroic deeds, you are referring to the courageous, fascinating, or entertaining actions they have undertaken.

A film and a television series were later produced based on his heroic actions during the war.






vt. 探索,拓展;开发;挖掘






n. 勋绩;功绩merit , feat





With the continuous advancement of computer systems, the techniques used by those who exploit the technology are also becoming increasingly sophisticated.


What do you believe was the nature of my most recent adventure?


The country's tourism potential is under immense pressure to be exploited due to commercial interests.



【讯驰外语】可乐老师 编辑。









My email:ilikework_cz@126.com





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